16/11/08 Sunday
Ya...dad want me and my brother to attend Dale Carnegie Training. When dad told me that he had registered my name, I was like...huh?? WHY?? I was thinking.. I have sooooo many things to do..,homework, bio proojects, tuition, piano lesson and of course...what I needed the most----RELAXATION!!!! And here comes the training...and I need to attend this training TWICE a week! oh...I cant believe this!! Haven't mention that, I need to attend a training that is totally in a NEW environment... ya, I really need time to make myself comfortable in a very NEW environment....come on!!
I have no choice.... The day before, I tell myself, ok, why not have a try?
And its today, I enter the room...many people are there...
After the introducing-ourselves thing, I get to know, I am the "big sister" there. Its a good news and a bad news. Good news is, "Yeah! I'm the oldest". And the bad news is, "Great, everyone will be looking and me, if I do anything wrong."
I learned a lot, how to be more confident in myself, and how to have good communication skills..
I was quite happy, because I actually stand infront of the crowd to voice up...and...it is fun!!
Know why?? When I was talking infront, my teacher and my seniors showing their thumbs up and said "good!". Their praises, their support, their smiling and loving faces....telling me that I can do this, and not to be scared.
4/12/08 Thursday
After quite a number of days attending Carnegie training, I begining looking forward to every day which I need to attend the training. I begin to feel how eager to start a new lesson, how fun it is to Carnegie course.Yeap, today, our group--blue group and the others need to make something in common to all of our group members. There will be a competition between groups..so, our group, we named it--DC3. Don't criticize, don't condemn, and don't complain. We had our group members' palm-printed in our white shirts, name tags with blue strips, and an arm strap writing our group name on it. We did quite well, cause we did a rap when we introduce our group to the crowd.
Everything ends, though we did not get the "best group" prize, I really feel glad and happy. At least, we tried eveything we can, and did the very best. I really enjoyed! I do felt very happy, cause all of my members really cooperate well.
7/12/08 Sunday
Haha...know what?? Our seniors have their clothes change... Our senior, Weng Leong pretended to be a mother. Oh God, when he came in, everybody was like....so shocked! And all of us laughed, laughed, and laughed. He is wearing a girl's outfit....his make-up, his clothes, his..everything....sooooo girlish....oh my god...sooo funny.....
When everything comes to an end, we get to know that, we too, have a drama thing from each of our group...we have one week to prepare. And all we have to do is, we need to--get into a character. Wow!! sounds fun! Cant wait till that day!!

18/12/08 Thursday
Yup, today, we had to act!
Everything prepared quite ok..only 1 thing... All of us are nervous...including me... Worried that people might think what we act is.."cold"... Worried that how if we forget what we have to say...
Recess time...we are given time to get our outfit done. Li Jie and I dressed up ourselves with the PROfessional look--I'm the manager and he is the head manager. Wore a pair of blue glasses and dressed myself as an office lady. LOL... Quite not use to it..
Our turn to perform. My character is a strict manager. Have to act cool and act pro. Others seems to like it..phewww...good...at least I really get into my character..
We get " the best outfit " prize...! yeah...not bad!! And I am one of the 3 "best actor/actress".... really is a surprise! I didn't even think of getting the prize....
Thanks to all of our members....we really did a great job! And Zuo Xian, one of our group member, me and others kinda worry that he cant get his part right at first...BUT..he did well!!

28/12/08 Sunday
Woke up early today..need to attend our graduation day. My heart was pounding every single moment. Parents and many people were there. oh menz...really hope to hide myself...
Every single moment, I was so touched when the parents actually give support to their children...even some moment I was burst into tears.
Guess what... I was being called to be the first to stand infront....FIRST!!!.... so so so shocked!! Any how, I need to present my things infront of the crowd no matter what. I was thinking......why am I so "lucky".... I really feel so so nervous... After my speech, its the time when one f our parents need to praise their child part. Dad was the one.... Got a hug from dad...feel kind of weird feeling....haha....
Lastly, is the "prizing" time.... I get the "most stars" prize...and yes, I did feel surprised! I get JC Lim (讲师) authorized book... Really feel so so glad...
Today is our last day meeting everyone. Feel so sad to leave.... I'll really miss everything..............
After attending Carnegie youth training, I do really feel different. I learned how to be more friendly, how to be a good leader, how to have good communicative skills, and how to stop worrying about things in my life. Frankly, I learned more than that. I learned to actually see things differently, and even stay very positive everytime.
When the school reopens, I was quite worry about things that will happen in my school life....Kind of forgetting what I learned in Carnegie Training. When I was called up again that week to attend Carnegie Senior training, the feeling of "Come on, You can do it!" is comming back...I cant believe after the one-day-course changed my mind concept. I begin to let go all my worries, begin to have the "power" of letting the negative-thinking-mentallity of my head. I remind myself that I can do things better... I can do it in the Carnegie Training I had attended, and why not doing the same thing in my school?? That day, I tell myself, I need to be positive, and stay positive!!
What had changed my life? I have the courage to actually mix with all my friends in school ( because I am doing form 6, and this is quite a new school for me...XD), have a better communication with my friends and family, and also a bit of confidence..,(at least a bit more than previous years la...). Even when I'm SMS-ing, I try not to use the word--haiz..(a feeling of depression and stressed up) in all my text messages. It is because I hope that I can stay more positive in everything I'm doing, and also don't want the person reading my message because of me get distracted. And of course, I try to be a very good listener (because I'm very weak in this, and I was the kind of people who is too much in talking about my own things).
After reading JC Lim's book, I do feel enjoyed reading.. I learned a lot... Thinking of my past holidays, having Carnegie training during the holidays really make my holidays very meaningful. I am really really glad that I have the oppotunity to take part, as a Carnegie member.
In the future, I do hope I can apply all the Carnegie rules that I learned in my daily lives.. Just like Mong Lan(讲师) said: Live with Carnegie Rules! Hope that everyday from today, I'll make full use of what I learned in Carnegie training and let year 2009 a better year....!!!
Also learned something from my teacher...."You must first change your own character, before you change your families,your freinds,your country, and the world". So, what makes you is very important, because you are the one who can influence the people around you!
p/s: A good words of encouragement----You can do it!!!! 加油!!
(就读SMK Sentosa, Upper 6)