Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I am a good person.Not a bad person anymore....

Before I start to write about my life after attending this carnegie course,I would like to share my lifestyle before attending this course........At the beginning,I thought that I was someone useless that nobody would ever cared about me.So I gave every thing up by starting to think negative stuff and join gangsterism.I love fighting at that time,so I usually fight with other people and sometimes I even hurt someone badly......When my mom knew about it,she started to find a course that could help me change my behaviour.......unfortunately,she found the course name 'Dale Carnegie'..........

The first day of class,I do not have any feeling to attend the class....and started emoing at the place where I've been by day,I realise that carnegie members and prefects are friendly people and they helped me a lot in my life and career.Slowly slowly,I start to think positively and going back to the right way of my life......I also got closer relationship with my parents and relatives.Then,I felt that I am actually not useless at all and lots of people actually cared about me and some of them even need me.

Moreover,then things that happened and things I've done in carnegie were all moments and memories in my mind forever....I shall never forget the word that my lecturer YY Leong said 'When there's a WILL there's a WAY'

Finally,I will concerntrate on my studies in medicine and thanked carnegie for all the support and changed in me......


1 comment:

  1. TOUCHING.. i witnessed your change in life. keep on going~ =D
